You don’t need to need to cut up your credit cards, eat beans and rice for three years, or consolidate your debt to obtain financial freedom. Allow our team to educate you on the tools and strategies available to you to take control of your finances. Whether you’re fresh out of college or planning for retirement, we can help you maximize your money and put guarantees in place for your financial future.
How Financial Planning Can Help You Grow Your Wealth
When you’re ready to compare your current planning to what our team can put in place for you, FOR FREE, reach out to BH Financial Planning today.
12 Habits to Reach Your Financial Goals
Achieving financial freedom is a goal for many people. It generally means having enough savings, investments, and cash on hand to afford the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family.
How Female Entrepreneurs Can Plan When Changing Careers
Maybe it was the pandemic, maybe your kids are finally in school, or perhaps your family situation has changed. Whatever the reason, you’re looking at changing jobs. It is an exciting time, but one that also has a few hidden challenges that you might not be quite prepared for. One of these is the...
Debt Elimination FAQ: Proven Solutions to Conquer Your Finances
Feeling stressed by debt? You're not alone. Incredibly, 89% of respondents to this survey reported feeling stressed and eager to learn the best strategy for debt elimination. Debt can significantly impact mental health, and with the average American holding $53,897 in personal debt, it’s no wonder...
What is your relationship with money? Here’s why it matters…
Today, let's chat about our personal relationships with money. Believe it or not, the ways in which we were conditioned as kids to relate to money largely shape our habits today... which is why we need to dig deep here and identify our current relationships with money so that we have an...